The Blemish Control Duo – Beginner
KSh 5,600 -
Lip Balm
KSh 450 -
Double Cleanse and Repair Bundle
KSh 7,900 -
Brightening and Plumping Serum Bundle
KSh 9,300 -
Boost Your Glow Bundle
KSh 11,100 -
Anti-Aging Essentials Bundle
KSh 18,500 -
Clear Skin Essentials Bundle
KSh 12,000 -
Breakout Fighting Must-Haves
KSh 7,600 -
Body care bundle
KSh 4,600 -
Frankincense Foaming Cleanser – 150ml
KSh 2,800 -
Melt Away Cleansing Balm – 100g
KSh 2,300 -
Double Cleanse Kit
KSh 5,100