Melt Away Cleansing Balm – 100g
KSh 2,300 -
Aloe Blacksoap Supple Cleansing portion 120ml
KSh 2,800A fragrance-free cream cleanser that cleanses any form of dirt and debris without stripping away the skin’s natural protective oils formulated with African black soap,… -
Restorative Essence Toner 120ml
KSh 2,100 -
Instant Radiance Exfoliating Mask 50g
KSh 2,000An All- Natural, Brightening and Exfoliating Face Mask Powered by our Glow mask Powder and Date Extract. What does it do; - Gives instant Glow… -
Intensive Repair Serum
KSh 2,800 -
Hydra boost Hyaluronic Serum
KSh 3,000Reduces the signs of wrinkles and giving your skin an immediate moisture boost. Skin appears firmer and looks rejuvenated instantly with the use of Hyaluronic… -
Vitamin C Serum Brightening and Anti-aging
KSh 3,500Awaken the glow with Qasil Beauty Vitamin C serum that contains the most stable form of Vitamin C, in this hydrating cocktail of highest quality … -
The Bridal Body Scrub 500g
KSh 2,800 -
Body Souffle 250g
KSh 1,300 -
Lip Balm
KSh 450-An Immediate and lasting relief for dry, chapped lips. This moisture-rich formula soothes and improves the appearance and softness of your lips, whilst providing protection… -
Scented Hand & Body Cream (Velvet Woods & Patchouli)
KSh 1,800Envelop your skin the rich body cream that leaves behind an uplifting sweet Amber, Velvet woods and Patchouli fragrance Formulated with Organic Cocoa butter this…